Zero Waste Plastics

How do we turn plastics into products?

Find out here!

Where it starts

Each Zero Waste Plastic product starts with #2 or #6 plastic. This includes solo cups, laundry detergent containers, and milk jugs. We collect, and clean this plastic to keep impurities out of the process.

Clean and Cut

First, the labels are removed and then the plastic is cut into strips that will fit into our shredder. These strips are cleaned and dried.


Plastic is shredded in one of our machines. Teeth grind the large pieces of plastic into small flecks. These pieces are small enough that we can put them into one of our melting machines. 


Finally we melt the shredded plastic to turn it into our final product. Cups, earrings, coasters, and anything else you can imagine.

Reduce your plastic waste

Despite our ability to recycle plastic it’s still harsh and damaging to our air, water, and soil.

Learn to reduce the plastic waste in your life!