
Zero Waste Event Productions LLC is a social enterprise aiming to minimize waste to landfill at music festivals and events through recycling compost and reuse efforts.

We are seeking summer interns to help at music festivals from May 27-August 4th (flexible dates)

Interns will help before, during and after zero waste events to pack and set up equipment, collect and sort waste materials, and to help cleanup event grounds after festivities have ended. Interns will be given opportunities between events to learn more about zero waste through tours, conversations with people in the industry, and hands-on work.

Interns will be helping with several events (tentatively) including:

  • Summer Camp Music Festival – Chillicothe, Illinois
  • Wonderstruck – Cleveland, Ohio
  • Dublin Independence Day – Dublin, Ohio
  • Upheaval – Grand Rapids Michigan
  • Floyd Fest – Floyd, Virginia

Intern Responsibilities

Zero Waste Interns work alongside our zero waste teams to help events reduce their waste!

Our team does a number of tasks during events to get the job done. These include:

  • Packing the truck/trailer with equipment and preparing for ZW events.
  • Setting up for zero waste events including establishing the Zero Waste Event Productions “Headquarters,” placing Zero Waste Stations, and distributing buckets and bins as needed to vendors and throughout event grounds.
  • Helping with zero waste systems including collection, cleanup, sorting, weighing and occasional hauling of materials.
  • Talking with event attendees about recycling, zero waste practices, and our operations.
  • Shredding compost so that it can be taken to the proper facilities.
  • Assist with cleaning up and litter sweeping after events.

Internship Opportunities

Interns have the opportunity to work on and create projects that directly relate to their academic goals, using zero waste event productions as their playground. This includes:

  • educational materials and projects related to zero waste and waste reduction
  • research
  • engineering and design (including work with plastic recycling and product design)
  • community engagement
  • art, photography and social media
  • Marketing and communication

World of Waste Education

Interns will have the opportunity to participate in educational opportunities to learn more about the world of waste, including tours of local recycling facilities, thrift stores, and landfills.


  • A willingness to learn about recycling, compost and other aspects of the waste system.
  • Ability to work and live outside in summer weather conditions (rain or shine).
  • Ability to walk and stand for long periods of time (or work with us to accommodate your mobility needs).
  • Ability to work long hours and weekends at remote locations/festival grounds.
  • Dedication to helping the environment.
  • Ability to work on teams and alone to achieve goals.
  • Ability to remain positive toward event attendees and organizers.

For more information please contact Shannon@zerowastefest.com