We work hard to get accurate statistics for how much material is divert from the landfill at each event. The following numbers include all events we have serviced since 2011.
Material Diversion by Weight
We use hanging scales, recycling center scales, and EPA volume estimates (for hard-to-weigh materials) to get accurate weights of diverted recycling and compost.
Reuse/Reduce diversion numbers come from estimates based on how much material wasn’t created thanks to reusable serviceware or water bottles. It also encompasses the weight of rescued textiles and other goods rescued from festival grounds after events.
CO2 estimates
When we recycle, compost, and reuse items we’re not only keeping material out of the landfill, but we’re also keeping greenhouses gasses out of the atmosphere.
By recycling, composting, and reusing items we are able to decrease the overall amount of greenhouses gasses that would be emitted into the atmosphere if those same materials were sent to the landfill.
We measure these hypothetical greenhouse gasses as Metric Tons of CO2 Equivalent. The EPA’s WARM model is that basis for these estimations.
Volume Estimates
Using weights we are able to estimate the total volume of material diverted from the landfill.
Since 2011 we’ve recycle about 7,458 cubic yards of material. That’s about 248 dumpers (30-yard dumpster) of material diverted from the landfill.
Since 2011 we’ve composted about 2,478 cubic yards of heavy food and compostable serviceware. That’s about 83 dumpers (30-yard dumpster) of waste diverted from the landfill.