Meet the Team
Zero Waste Event Production’s Members are dedicated to decreasing waste at music festivals. As owners of the business they take great pride in their work, and are dedicated to its core mission.

Tyler Bonner
Founder & Managing Member
Event Contracts and Oversight, Finance, and Senior Event Manager
Lead Beeramid Architect
After two years of AmeriCorps service with local non-profit Rural Action’s Zero Waste Program, I was happy for the opportunity to continue working to reduce waste at festivals and events through the launching of Zero Waste Event Productions as a social enterprise in 2015. I have a passion for the music, the arts, and the people that make festivals special and believe that while celebration is a key component to the human experience, we need to strive to celebrate sustainably.
Through my work with Zero Waste Event Productions LLC, I have found a niche which allows me to enjoy festivals while playing my part to keep waste from the landfill and reduce the impact that each event has on the environment. It has been an absolute pleasure to watch this project grow and to play my part to help improve the culture of festivals through our work.
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Shannon Pratt-Harrington
LLC Member
Data and Reporting, Social Media and Website, and Senior Event Manager
High Priestess of The Trash
I began my work with Zero Waste Event Productions in 2015 as an AmeriCorps Member with ZWEP’s parent non-profit Rural Action. I became a full time employee in 2017 and signed on as founding member of the LLC in 2018.
From my first zero waste festival, I knew I was in love with this work. The environmental mission, creative freedom, and great people made this career a perfect match. Nothing makes my happier than seeing the environmental impact of our work through my data reporting or the societal impact when volunteers, staff, and festival attendees see a dumpster full of clean recycling for the first time!
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Lewis Preston
LLC Member
Staff Coordinator and Recruiter, Event Communications, and Senior Event Management
Possesser of great height, and leader of getting things off top shelves
I attended many music festivals as a teenager and have always had so much love for the festival community. In my early 20’s I began working waste management at festivals and quickly learned about the dark side of this industry and how wasteful and bad for the environment it can be. I found passion in making a difference in our music community and educating people on the impact these music events have on our planet. In 2021, I began working with Zero Waste Event Productions and found my home.
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Austin Wheeler
LLC Member
Quartermaster, Equipment Maintenance and Repair, and Senior Event Manager
Truck Fleet Admiral
In 2018 I was volunteering at music festivals in Kentucky when I was introduced to ZWEP. I worked with them in 2019 at a few music festivals and in 2021 I progressively became more involved in the operations of the company and got more involved after each event. Having the opportunity to travel and meet so many people and to put smiles on their faces by keeping the scene clean is an amazing experience.
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Lexi Beshara
LLC Member
Crew Liaison and Logistics, Event Communications and Sustainability Planning, Senior Event Manager
Goddess of the Diversion Rate, and Major Threat to MOOP
Since 2013 I had been volunteering on numerous “green teams” at a plethora of festivals across the country before first volunteering with Zero Waste EP in 2018. The very next weekend I joined as a paid contractor, and truly the rest is history! Over the years I have stayed as a committed member of Zero Waste, but also have worked with other waste diversion crews at global events including the Oregon Eclipse Gathering (2017) and Envision Festival (2023). I’ve long known this is the line of work for me, so after I had a full season as a Zero Waste Manager under my belt in 2023, it truly felt like a dream come true to sign on as a member of this business.
My favorite moment during an event is when I see a full dumpster teeming with clean recycling. Knowing that it will be kept out of the landfill and that we played a significant role in not only helping to curb the environmental impact of the event, but also had a hand in creating a more mindful festival culture keeps me coming back for more. Outside of being a trash gremlin at festivals I love outdoor adventures including long distance bicycle touring and stand up paddle board camping trips, and I try to catch as many Papadosio shows as I possibly can.
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Arrow Wightman
Senior Event Manager, Staff Communication & Mediation
Queller of the Quarrels
I joined the Zero Waste team for the first time at WonderBus in Columbus, Ohio in 2021. I immediately thought “YES! I have finally found my people!” Being with Zero Waste EP is like being on one big summer-long road trip. There’s great music, great friends, and tons of adventures. In 2022 I decided to take on the responsibilities of a full time event manager, and in 2023 I did the most festivals out of anyone on our team with 26 events in one summer!
When I work with Zero Waste I feel driven by the good times, and the powerful mission to keep our human celebrations clean. I love being at a festival, and knowing that I am an important part of what makes it all happen. My favorite thing about the job is finding cool stuff left behind by other people. I like to think about its long journey to being left and forgotten. Then me, and my fellow raccoons discover it, and repurpose it for a new life. When I am not out with Zero Waste, I am at home in an intentional community working on farm projects.
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